Pumpkin-Spice Chia-Bowl with pumpkin puree, baked apples and walnuts.

The fact that I have a great weakness for small power seeds is no longer a secret. If you’ve been visiting my blog since a while, then you probably already know some of my Chia Pudding recipes. Maybe you’ve already tried some of them? Anyway… My great preference for Chia pudding is no coincidence. After all, Chia seeds are an easy way to do something good for your body. Due to their high protein and fibre content, even the smallest amounts provide a lot of energy, strength and endurance, even over a long period of time. No wonder that Chia seeds are very popular with active people and endurance athletes. In other words: A Chia pudding is the perfect meal to stay filled and efficient for a long time.

So far, so good…

As much as I love Chia pudding in summer, on the colder days of the year I simply prefer to start the day warm. A warm bowl simply meets my taste in autumn and winter. But I still don’t want to do without Chia pudding. After all, who said that Chia pudding should always be eaten cold? Exactly.

That’s exactly why I’m sharing my recipe for this warm Chia bowl with you today. It’s incredibly delicious and contains everything we crave now: warming spices like cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and curcuma, seasonal apples (baked if you like), crunchy walnuts and chocolate. Chocolate is the mood enhancer par excellence, right? So why not put a big spoon in the bowl? The reason why this combination is not only delicious, but also super healthy, you’ll find out when you continue reading :)

Bowl by the way Pumpkin-Spice Chia-Bowl

I call this bowl Pumpkin-Spice Chia-Bowl, by the way, because it hides the typical Pumpkin-Spice herb mixture. If you’d like to mix a slightly larger supply for other recipes as a basis, you’ll find my Pumpkin Spice recipe in this article. But that’s not all… Can you guess which ingredient is still hidden in the bowl? Exactly what you shouldn’t miss in a real autumn bowl… Pumpkin. For the Chia pudding I stirred in 1-2 tablespoons of pumpkin puree and warmed everything together. And it tastes sooo good. And so that it doesn’t just stay with the 1-2 tablespoons of pumpkin puree, there is even more pumpkin – in the form of a pumpkin chocolate pudding. Logical? Yes, because what works with sweet potatoes (here is my recipe for sweet potato chocolate pudding), also works for pumpkin. My simple recipe instructions, for all the Chocoholics among us: Just add some raw cocoa to the pumpkin puree. You can then sweeten the mixture with a little honey or maple syrup. Super healthy and incredibly delicious.

And don’t worry. The recipe might sound a bit elaborate now? But it isn’t. As always, everything can be prepared super fast. As a Meal Prep tip I recommend to soak the chia seeds overnight, and also the pumpkin puree can be prepared very well (it keeps 1-2 weeks in the fridge) and fits to many other recipes, like in the classic porridge. You can find a suitable recipe here.

I hope you enjoy trying it out and look forward to your feedback.

Pumpkin-Spice Chia-Bowl with pumpkin puree, baked apples and walnuts.

Vorbereitungszeit10 Minuten
Zubereitungszeit10 Minuten
Gesamtzeit20 Minuten
Gericht: Breakfast
Keyword: chia,, chiapudding, glutenfree, vegan,
Portionen: 2 portions
Autor: Adaeze


  • 4 tbsp. chia seeds
  • 250 ml almond drink or plant drink of your choice
  • 2-3 whole cloves
  • 1 pinch cinnamon
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
  • 1 pinch curcuma
  • walnuts
  • 1-2 apples
  • 1-2 tbsp. pumpkin puree

For the pumpkin chocolate pudding

  • Some honey or maple syrup to taste
  • 1-2 tbsp. raw cocoa
  • 1-2 tbsp. pumpkin puree
  • 1 pumpkin if you prepare the pumpkin puree


  • Mix Chia seeds and almond drink in a bowl and leave to soak for about 20 minutes (or overnight).

For the pumpkin puree

  • Cut the pumpkin into two halves, remove the seeds and put into the oven. Bake at 200 degrees for about 35-40 minutes. As soon as the pumpkin is soft, use a hand blender to make the puree. The pumpkin puree will keep in the fridge for about 1-2 weeks. 
  • Put the Chia pudding in a pot with some liquid. Add spices and pumpkin puree and heat slightly.
  • Remove the seeds from the apples and cut into slices. Bake in a pan for 2-3 minutes on each side as desired.
  • Pour Chia pudding into a bowl and top with baked apples, walnuts and chocolate pudding.

Preparation pumpkin chocolate pudding

  • Mix the pumpkin puree with the raw cocoa. Sweeten as desired with a little honey or maple syrup.

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Ich bin Adaeze, holistische Ernährungsberaterin und Health & Life Coach. Bei mir dreht sich alles um natürliche Ernährung, Gesundheit, Natural Beauty & Anti-Aging. Ich möchte Dir zeigen, dass eine gesunde Ernährung und ein ganzheitlich bewusstes Leben kein Verzicht bedeutet, sondern Spaß macht und sich auf natürliche Weise, mit Freude und Leichtigkeit, in den Alltag integrieren lässt. 

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