Things to know about Naturally Good – Eat yourself fit – Autumn Challenge

I am glad that you are (again) part of it and that you feel like making yourself „autumn fit“ together with me and the other participants. As with the previous Challenges, here are a few tips worth knowing for your personal relief week.

If you’ve ever taken part in the Fit Challenge, you already know that I pay attention to the maximum seasonality when selecting foods and ingredients. That’s why this time you can expect beautiful autumn recipes with local classics such as kale, spinach, pumpkin… Now I am very curious how the recipes will be received by you.

By the way, the Challenge has a Facebook-Group that offers you the opportunity to exchange your experiences with others if you like. Holding out together is twice as much fun.

Worth knowing about the Challenge

Just in time before the start of the Challenge you will receive from me:

♥ the purchase list,

♥ the plan for the week and

♥ all the recipes ready to print

So you still have enough time to buy everything without hectic rush.

The recipes

Through the Naturally Good – Eat yourself fit Challenge I would like to motivate you and show you that a healthy diet tastes good and can be easily integrated into your daily life.

Dealing with food, cooking yourself and knowing what’s on your plate is an important challenge aspect. But don’t panic! I am aware that cooking is not everyone’s cup of tea or that it is not always easy to integrate into a busy everyday life. All meals can therefore usually be prepared in less than 30 minutes. Some can be easily combined the next day. This saves valuable time for recooking and helps you to survive even on stressful days.

By preparing smaller jobs the evening before (Meal Prep), the preparation time the next day can also be shortened. The preparation tips for the next day are marked in the weekly schedule.

The ingredients

Whenever possible, I prefer seasonal ingredients. At the moment we have a number of local fruits and vegetables in season. Kale, spinach, pumpkin, plums are some of our local superfoods, just to name a few. In addition to good bioavailability, we should also pay attention to regionality when purchasing. The shorter delivery routes mean that more vitamins are preserved, which is good for our health. In addition, local farmers are supported regional purchasing.

If an ingredient in the recipe doesn’t suit you, adjust it to your taste. If you prefer pears instead of apples or oat flakes instead of buckwheat flakes, you can choose your preferences. The same goes for natural sweeteners such as maple syrup or honey, or the oils listed in the recipes. If you’re unsure, feel free to email me or join the Facebook-Group.

Since I hate nothing more than wasting food, it is important to me to keep the list of ingredients as compact as possible and to use up the purchased food as much as possible. That is why some foods purposely repeat themselves.

The quantities

Please pay attention to the quantities indicated in the recipe. Sometimes they refer to 1 person. But sometimes also for 2 or more people – especially if the recipe appears again the next day in the weekly schedule.

The weekly schedule contains 3 Clean Eating recipe suggestions per day. There are also snack tips. If this is too much for you, just leave out the snacks. The weekly plan is therefore to be seen as „can“ and not as „must“.

I hope that I have answered a few questions for you. Now I’m looking forward to a successful Challenge week with you. During the Challenge, I will of course be happy to personally assist you with advice and action by email at any time. Have a look at my Instagram-Stories from time to time. During the Challenge I will cook some recipes in the stories and additionally give some background information.

Now I wish you lot of success with your personal relief week.

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Ich bin Adaeze, holistische Ernährungsberaterin und Health & Life Coach. Bei mir dreht sich alles um natürliche Ernährung, Gesundheit, Natural Beauty & Anti-Aging. Ich möchte Dir zeigen, dass eine gesunde Ernährung und ein ganzheitlich bewusstes Leben kein Verzicht bedeutet, sondern Spaß macht und sich auf natürliche Weise, mit Freude und Leichtigkeit, in den Alltag integrieren lässt. 

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