Naturally Good – Eat yourself fit-Challenge | Power for the immune system

You want to start the second half of the year fit and with power and at the same time strengthen your immune system in a natural way? Perhaps combined with the desire to relieve a little? Then join the Naturally Good – Eat yourself fit Challenge. From 18.10.-25.10.2018 tasty, nutritious and easy to prepareClean Eating Rezepte as well as valuable nutrition and exercise tips await you. Find out more about “Fit Food” and everything about how a holistic, healthy life can be integrated into your everyday life with fun and enjoyment. The Naturally Good – Eat yourself fit-week provides you a solid (re)-start for your healthy and conscious nutrition.

Would you like to strengthen yourself for autumn and get the best out of yourself and your health?

Then join in and sign up via the free of charge newsletter an. Just in time before the Challenge starts, you will receive a weekly plan, a shopping list, all recipes to print out and valuable tips for your personal week of relief. And the best? The challenge is for free.

What to expect?

“Just don’t starve”, but light and digestible autumn recipes.

  • Challenge: You eat 2-3 nutritious Clean Eating meals and get healthy snack alternatives throughout the day.
  • Recipes: You’ll get delicious and simple clean eating recipes including snacks. All meals are nutritious, digestible and can be prepared quickly (Meal Prep). Due to the nutrients contained, the meals provide relief and boost the metabolism.
  • Activity-tips: In addition, there are many tips on how you can integrate more exercise into your everyday life.
  • Shopping list: Two days before the start of the Challenge you will receive the weekly planwith all recipe suggestions in print version as well as the appropriate shopping list.
  • Support: Of course I will be available for your personal questions by e-mail during the entire Challenge.
  • Naturally-Good-Community: Exchange yourself with other challengers on this page and on Facebook in the group‚ Iss dich fit-Challenge’. I’m looking forward to feedback, photos and more. If you would like to post and share pictures and your recipe photos, then please use #issdichfitchallenge2018
  • Period of time: The Naturally Good – Eat yourself fit-Challenge occurs from 18.-25. Oktober 2018.
  • The application: Is for free and through the newsletter.

Worth knowing about the Challenge

The Naturally Good – Eat yourself fit Challenge is all about eating without renunciation and with pleasure. With my varied meals, which are mainly composed of seasonal foods, you feed your body the concentrated load of vitamins and minerals it needs to get fit. To do this, it is important to increase the amount of herbs in your daily diet. This strengthens our immune system and at the same time relieves our organism in a natural way.

How do the meals look like?

If you want to become fitter in the long term and at the same time experience relief in the form of a few extra pounds, you should not reduce your metabolism under any circumstances. The correct protein supply has a decisive role to play here. Protein saturates perfectly and can be used by our body in the best possible way. The recipes form a healthy mix of low-fat protein sources, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. The increased protein content in the meals serves both faster fat burning and as an important building material for our muscles.

An Eat Yourself Fit Challenge Day consists of several Clean Eating meals (inclusive snacks).




Escape the yo-yo trap.

Contrary to most diets, which rely on a caloric deficit and sometimes even completely eliminate important nutrient building blocks (eg. carbohydrates), the Naturally Good Clean Eating – Eat yourself fit-Challenge pursues a holistic approach of healthy and varied recipes, coupled with exercise.

It is therefore not a matter of quick consumer success, but of conscious eating and lasting and long-term success in changing your eating habits.

In this challenge, we do not deprive our body of energy through reduced food and nutrient intake, but provide it with the energy it needs to maintain all important body functions and provide us with the best possible supply. At the same time we combine this with a light or moderate exercise program, which can lead to an additional relief of extra pounds.

Is there anything to note?

Not necessarily. In order to prepare the body slowly, it is advisable to avoid stimulants such as alcohol and sweets a few days before the start.

1-2 soup days at the beginning are ideal for getting started and getting used to the change. They help to gently activate the body’s natural cleansing process.

The Naturally Good – Eat yourself fit-Challenge activates our body’s own buffer systems, which can be out of balance due to stress or over-fat food. We can relieve our organism in a natural way and restore the necessary balance with special alkaline foods, especially in the form of vegetables and fruit.

Can I master the challenge even in a stressful job or everyday life?

Yes, all meals are Meal Prep-capable, because from my past experience I know that our profession and everyday life have us firmly under control. Time for extensive cooking is only possible in the rarest of cases. That’s why the meals are structured in such a way that they can be cooked without any great expenditure of time, precooked without any problems and combined again the next day. This saves time and nerves.

How much is the challenge?

The challenge is for free. I am very happy about your registration and about encouraging you to a healthier and more active lifestyle in the long run.

Do you want to be part of it? Then register quickly via the Newsletter-function. You will receive the shopping list as well as all recipe suggestions in print version at an early stage.

I am looking forward to a wonderful challenge with you, to the exchange, to your questions, suggestions and feedback.



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Ich bin Adaeze, holistische Ernährungsberaterin und Health & Life Coach. Bei mir dreht sich alles um natürliche Ernährung, Gesundheit, Natural Beauty & Anti-Aging. Ich möchte Dir zeigen, dass eine gesunde Ernährung und ein ganzheitlich bewusstes Leben kein Verzicht bedeutet, sondern Spaß macht und sich auf natürliche Weise, mit Freude und Leichtigkeit, in den Alltag integrieren lässt. 

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