Healthy plum-crumble {vegan & gluten-free}

I love plums… But what I love even more are baked plums. No matter if cooked as a compote or in the form of a warm cake – the combination of fruity-sweet – best refined with a strong pinch of cinnamon – is exactly mine. At the end of the blog post I have a delicious recipe for a healthy plum crumble, which I baked on the weekend. It’s so delicious and tastes best straight from the oven, warm, of course. In addition a scoop of vanilla ice cream… Heavenly good – also because the recipe is super fast and made with healthy ingredients. We had the crumble for breakfast last weekend, which works very well with the oat flakes and buckwheat flour it contains.

Personally, I can never resist the aroma of baked plums anyway. It triggers certain emotions in me at the touch of a button that awaken childhood memories. Surely you know that too. We often feel time-delayed about smells. Especially if this smell is positively occupied by us, we can resist usually only with difficulty. That explains a lot, or ;)

„The sense of smell is the sense of memory and desire.“ Jacques Rousseau

The fact is that unlike all other sensory organs, we cannot control odours. The nose is the only sense organ that transmits its impulses directly into the brain to the seat of emotions. It is therefore a completely natural process that incoming scent information calls up certain feelings in us. We cannot defend ourselves against this, because before we can smell the scent, it has already arrived and has triggered a certain feeling. So the experience we have had with a particular smell depends on whether we like it or not. I consider this topic to be highly complex and super exciting – especially with regard to our choice of food and the associated desire for certain foods.

But back to the Crumble and my love for “baked plums…”


Why is it that this fragrance immediately triggers certain emotions in me? It reminds me of my childhood and of the cosy weekends in the family with my siblings. Looking back, this was a very carefree time. Often we children, in addition to our already not small family, had many friends coming over for a visit on the weekends. Everyone was very welcome, no matter how big the round was at the end. And then, when it was really cramped and cosy at the table, there was freshly baked fruitcake for each of us – often with plums… ;)

What individual scents trigger in us, I find fascinating. Do you also connect certain memories with scents?

Plum-crumble {vegan & gluten free}

Vorbereitungszeit10 Minuten
Zubereitungszeit10 Minuten
baking time20 Minuten
Gesamtzeit20 Minuten
Gericht: Dessert
Keyword: crumble, pflaumen-crumble
Portionen: 4 Portionen
Autor: Adaeze


  • 350 g plums
  • 120 g wholemeal oat flakes
  • 50 g buckwheat flour
  • 70 g coconut oil + some coconut oil for greasing
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 50 g coconut blossom sugar
  • 1 tbsp Walnut kernels chopped


  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees (circulating air). Grease a fireproof form or glasses with some coconut oil. Wash the plums, stone them and cut them roughly as required. Put the plum pieces into the glasses or baking tin.
  • Mix all dry ingredients with coconut oil to crumble and spread over the plum pieces. Bake the crumble in the oven for about 25 minutes until the crumbles turn light brown.

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Ich bin Adaeze, holistische Ernährungsberaterin und Health & Life Coach. Bei mir dreht sich alles um natürliche Ernährung, Gesundheit, Natural Beauty & Anti-Aging. Ich möchte Dir zeigen, dass eine gesunde Ernährung und ein ganzheitlich bewusstes Leben kein Verzicht bedeutet, sondern Spaß macht und sich auf natürliche Weise, mit Freude und Leichtigkeit, in den Alltag integrieren lässt. 

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