The current season is exactly the time of the year which demands our immune system to the extreme. Temperature changes cause us a lot of trouble and viruses circulate everywhere in the air. What should be the top priority now, is to strengthen the immune system. Nothing is easier than that, if we proceed a little bit smartly when it comes to ingredients. If we choose the “right” food, then we can do a lot to strengthen our immune system in a natural way. Our domestic vital and nutritional nutrition bombs are in season right now. We should use this to face the wet and cold season relaxed. How about a warming tomato lentil stew with fresh green cabbage?
I’m used to the fact that the opinions on kale drift far apart. Perhaps you are also one of the sceptics? Many of us know kale exclusively as a classic German stew. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for the classic version to end up being too spicy and too overcooked. So it’s no surprise that there are certain concerns about kale. In the end, this recipe version unfortunately has nothing to offer in terms of health – therefore the taste and all the wonderful ingredients that our domestic power vegetables have to offer are left behind. However, not in this version. Properly prepared kale is incredibly tasty and a real nutrient bomb. If your enthusiasm for kale has been limited so far, please give this great Superfood a chance.
Why is kale so incredibly healthy?
Kale contains everything we urgently need right now to strengthen our immune system in a natural way. So if you’re one of those who didn’t like kale so much, I’d like to officially ask you to give this wonderful variety of cabbage another chance. Because of its high nutritional value, kale is unbeatable. Kale is also referred to as the king class among cabbage varieties, simply because it is not comparable to any other cabbage variety in terms of its ingredients. In addition, our local superfood grows right in front of our doorstep. So please grab it here to your heart’s content:
Kale strengthens the immune system
- Just 100 g of kale is enough to supply us with more than the daily recommended 100 mg of vitamin C! This strengthens our immune system in a natural way.
Kale strengthens the bones
- Kale contains a high portion of calcium, which strengthens our bones.
Kale is effective against inflammation
- The vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids contained in the green leaves have an anti-inflammatory effect and are intended to protect against chronic diseases.
Kale helps as a natural antioxidant against cell damages
- Antioxidants protect our cells from free radicals. The more antioxidants a food contains, the better it protects our cells. Kale, with its particularly high nutrient content, is extraordinarily rich in antioxidants. In addition to numerous vitamins and minerals, the high vitamin A and E content in particular protects against free radicals.
Kale makes you slim
- Compared to other types of cabbage, kale contains a lot of protein but hardly any calories. Especially with the intention of weight reduction, it is recommended to increase the daily protein intake. This works very well with kale. Not even 1 g fat per 100 g is contained in the leaves. In return there is plenty of protein and numerous secondary plant substances. This offers a high dietary fibre content, keeps digestion going, provides long satiety and at the same time helps to regulate weight.
If you haven’t been so convinced yet, I hope that my stew recipe (and the numerous health benefits of kale) have convinced you from now on. In this recipe the cabbage is not overcooked. This keeps it crunchy, which you can taste immediately. In addition, the gentle preparation guarantees you a concentrated load of vitamins. Especially when it comes to preparing vegetables, it is important to cook as gently as possible, as the vitamins and nutrients they contain are extremely sensitive to heat. In other words, if you cook way too hot, you will no longer benefit from the amount of healthy ingredients.
Would you like to try the recipe? I am looking forward to your feedback.
© Maria Schiffer Photography
Tomaten-Linseneintopf mit Grünkohl
- 250 Gr. rote Linsen
- 400 Gr. Frische geschälte Tomaten oder aus der Dose, falls es schnellgehen muss
- 1 große Zwiebel
- 1 Knoblauchzehe
- 4-6 Grünkohlblätter, ohne Stängel, grob gehackt
- 2-3 getrocknete Tomaten, gehackt
- 1 EL Kokosöl
- 2 TL Kurkuma
- 400 ml Gemüsebrühe
- 1 Bund Petersilie
- Salz und Pfeffer
- 1 Lorbeerblatt, getrocknet
- Strunk der Tomaten und die äußere Schale entfernen. Mein Tipp: zum Übergieße kurz mit kochendem Wasser. Danach löst sich die Schale fast von selbst. Die Grünkohlblätter von dem Strunk entfernen und grob hacken.
- Nun die Zwiebel und Knoblauchzehe fein hacken. Kokosöl in einem Topf erhitzen und die Zwiebeln, Knoblauchzehe und Linsen kurz andünsten. Mit der Gemüsebrühe ablöschen, 2 TL Kurkumapulver, das Lorbeerblatt, Tomaten und getrocknete Tomaten zugeben. Alles 10 Minuten köcheln lassen.
- Anschließend Grünkohlblätter zufügen und alles weitere ca. 10 Minuten auf niedriger Hitze köcheln lassen. Den Eintopf mit Meersalz und Pfeffer abschmecken und mit Petersilie garnieren.