Coconut bars {vegan, gluten- & refined sugar-free}

Careful! This has addictive potential. I’m sure you’ll want this deliciously fresh coconut confection right away. I can recommend it to you. It’s incredibly tasty, super quick to prepare, so healthy and soooo good. The delicious confectionery is prepared from a few but healthy superfood ingredients, contains only a minimum of sweetness and thus remains almost sugar-free. How does it work? Very simple. The recipe for trying it out can be found below.

But first I would like to tell you a little bit about one of my favourite superfood coconuts. I’m sure you’ll love coconut and this recipe even more afterwards.

I am a big fan of all coconut products – both in terms of taste and health benefits. Coconut products, in all their components – whether water, pulp or oil – are incredibly healthy.

Coconut water, for example, is extremely rich in electrolytes, making it one of the best sources of minerals after sport.

The flesh of the coconut is not only incredibly tasty, but also incredibly healthy. Coconut meat, for example, is a very good moisturizer for our skin. With regard to skin health and due to its many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, coconut is generally said to have a rejuvenating (anti-aging) effect. No wonder that coconut products are also called beauty & skin food.

Coconut oil is said to have a health-promoting and healing effect. It is said that coconut oil makes us beautiful from the inside and outside, which makes it an extremely versatile companion for daily use. I personally like to use native organic coconut oil in smoothie, for baking, cooking, and even as a beauty product in everyday life.

Although coconuts generally have a high fat content and coconut oil is a saturated fat, our body can digest, absorb and utilise it efficiently. This is because saturated fats are present in coconut fat as short- and medium-chain fatty acids whose properties are very different from those of long-chain fatty acids, e.g. in animal products. The medium-chain fatty acids have fewer calories than the others, can be utilized more efficiently and stimulate the metabolism as a fast source of energy, which in turn increases fat burning.

Coconut oil is also an excellent source of lauric acid. No other food has such a high amount of lauric acid as coconut oil. Besides strengthening the immune system, lauric acid has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects against bacteria, fungi and parasites. This strengthens our defences and gives flu pathogens no chance. That all sounds very promising, doesn’t it?

Would you like to try the recipe?

Coconut lemon bars {vegan, gluten- & refined sugar-free

Vorbereitungszeit10 Minuten
Zubereitungszeit5 Minuten
30 Minuten
Gesamtzeit15 Minuten
Gericht: Dessert
Portionen: 12 bars
Autor: Adaeze


  • 200 g shredded coconut
  • 3 tbsp. coconut
  • 50 ml lemon juice
  • 1 tsp lemon zest
  • 2 tbsp rice syrup
  • 1 pinch of vanilla powder


  • Put the grated coconut into the blender or food processor and mix finely. The mass should be slightly oily.
  • Add all other ingredients and mix together. Put the coconut mixture into a baking tin lined with baking paper. (example 12 x 12 cm) and press lightly with your hands.
  • Put the confectionery in the fridge and cool for 2-3 hours. My tip: If it has to be faster, just put it in the freezer for 30 minutes.
  • Finally, lift the mixture out of the mould and cut it into small squares.
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Ich bin Adaeze, holistische Ernährungsberaterin und Health & Life Coach. Bei mir dreht sich alles um natürliche Ernährung, Gesundheit, Natural Beauty & Anti-Aging. Ich möchte Dir zeigen, dass eine gesunde Ernährung und ein ganzheitlich bewusstes Leben kein Verzicht bedeutet, sondern Spaß macht und sich auf natürliche Weise, mit Freude und Leichtigkeit, in den Alltag integrieren lässt. 

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