Clean Eating – Fit Food | Seasonal Recipe Calendar 2019

Fit, healthy and “clean” throughout the whole year. I am very happy to inform you that from now on the Clean Eating – Eat yourself fit! calender for 2019 is available.

In the calendar I have collected 12 of my favorite blog recipes with seasonal fruits and vegetables for you.

In addition, there is a list and information about the seasonal vegetables and fruit available for each month. If you feel like learning more about seasonal, regional and natural recipes and delicious dishes including local superfoods monthly, then the calendar might be something for you.

The Fit Food! Seasonal calender 2019

  • Contains a wall planner with annual calendar
  • Back: All motifs at a glance
  • 14 pages art printing
  • Spiral binding
  • Refined Cover
  • Sturdy backing and robust suspension bracket
  • 245 x 330 mm

ISBN: 978-3-95843-724-1

More information concerning the calender and ordering can be found directly here.

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Ich bin Adaeze, holistische Ernährungsberaterin und Health & Life Coach. Bei mir dreht sich alles um natürliche Ernährung, Gesundheit, Natural Beauty & Anti-Aging. Ich möchte Dir zeigen, dass eine gesunde Ernährung und ein ganzheitlich bewusstes Leben kein Verzicht bedeutet, sondern Spaß macht und sich auf natürliche Weise, mit Freude und Leichtigkeit, in den Alltag integrieren lässt. 

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